Commerce7 Reservation Map Generator


Provided to you at no cost. Powered by 5forests.


Spend minutes instead of hours creating your reservation map JSON codes.


Upload your property map, add your tables, enter table codes and titles, copy the JSON code to your clipboard, paste into Commerce7.

Upload your property map image.

Images should be 1200px wide by 600px tall.


  1. Upload your property map image.
  2. Optional: Click the "Import from JSON" button to import previously generated JSON code.
  3. Click the "Add Table" button to add a table to your map.
  4. Edit the table code and title.
  5. Drag the table to the desired location on your map.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 until all tables are added.
  7. Click the "Copy Code to Clipboard" button to copy the JSON code to your clipboard.
  8. Paste the code into the Commerce7 Reservation Property Map JSON field.
  9. Create your locations and tables in Commerce7's Reservations Settings to match the tables you just created with this tool.


  • All your work will be lost if you close this page, so keep it open while you're working.
  • Make sure your image is 1200px wide by 600px tall.
  • Make sure your image is a PNG or JPG.
  • Markers are draggable so you can fine tune where the tables appear on your reservations map. This is helpful for those compact property maps where some overlap may occur.
  • Make sure you test the generated code on Commerce7 before closing this tab, in case you need to adjust table placements. You can see the tables visually in your Reservations admin panel.